Mentally Healthy 2022 survey launches to delve deeper into mental health after 3 years of pandemic

The third Mentally Healthy survey is launching this week to measure the mental health and wellbeing of the media, marketing and creative industry in Australia.
The biennial survey is conducted by Never Not Creative and UnLtd and supported by the Mentally-Healthy Change Group and follows the surveys conducted in 2018 and 2020 that identified that our industry was 20% more likely to experience signs of depression than the general public.
Andy Wright, Co-Chair of the Mentally Healthy Change Group and Founder of Never Not Creative said:
“Whilst the depression and anxiety levels remain high in our industry, the last results showed a reduction of stigma around mental health. Over the last four years we’ve seen employers make a real effort to address mental health. Mental wellbeing is now much more normalised a topic than when the survey first started in 2018. Now in the last few years, we’ve had external issues like the pandemic to deal with on top of the systemic industry issues that were already there. We use the results to drive our initiatives and work in this space, so we’re more intrigued than ever to uncover this year’s results and help our industry further.”
The survey measures the levels of depression, anxiety and stress using the standard DASS scale but also dwells deeper into areas that impact mental wellbeing at workplace.
Nina Nyman, Co-Chair of the Mentally Healthy Change Group and CMO at UnLtd said:
“The aim of the study has always been to identify what drives good mental health in our industry so that we can give companies across our industry the tools and knowledge to help improve mental wellbeing at their workplace. This year we will be looking deeper into the drivers of mental wellbeing especially in terms of how we work. We will also be identifying initiatives that really make a difference for creating mentally healthy workplaces.”
The survey is open from 4 August until 9 September at:
The results will be revealed in early October. All responses are anonymous, strictly confidential and only personally de-identified data will be reported.
If you or someone you care about needs support, please contact:
Lifeline 13 11 14
Suicide Call Back Service 1300 659 467
MensLine Australia 1300 78 99 78
Beyond Blue 1300 22 4636
Thanks to our supporters:
AGDA, Ashton Media, CommsCouncil, Design Business Council, Edelman, Facebook, Hatched Media, IAB, MFA, McCann, oOh! Media, PHD, Pitch2Punch, PRIA, Publicis Groupe, The Design Conference, The Design Kids, ThinkTV, Streamtime and YoungBloods