Setting Standards

When we created the Mentally-Healthy Change Group the scale of the problem we faced was clear. More than half of our industry were displaying mild to severe signs of anxiety and depression. These people are our friends, our colleagues and our inspirations – in fact, in many cases, they’re us.
There are a number of ways to tackle mental health in our industry. One of the first initiatives we have launched is "Minimum Standards". A set of industry rules to live by. These standards are the bare minimum that we believe is reasonable for organisations to provide a safe and supportive workplace for the mental wellbeing of its people. Some of them are sourced straight from legislation. Others have been tested with leaders and business owners in our industry to ensure that they can not be argued.
These standards are written to set the absolute minimum that we expect of employers in our industry. We invite every company in our industry to read, sign, adopt and embed them. If you work for someone that hasn’t signed yet, please share this page with them.
We welcome any and all companies to include them as the foundation for their own policies, to reference or include them in contracts and to build upon them with extra initiatives and elements that further a stronger position about positive mental health.
Also, in this section you will find ideas and initiatives for creating mentally healthier cultures and businesses. These are a way to build on the minimum standards and fully embrace the benefits of a mentally healthier culture and all the advantages it brings.
You can also find out more about why and how the standards were created here.

Supporting someone doesn’t have to be hard. Download and read this guide from Beyond Blue.

Supporting someone doesn’t have to be hard. Download and read this guide from Beyond Blue.

Share the standards with the rest of your company. Present them at an ‘all-hands’ or add them to an internal newsletter.

Build on the standards by adding further initiatives. Regularly check-in with your team to ensure the standards are being upheld.
Featured signees

“Facebook are proud to support the minimum standards and initiatives to remove the stigma associated with mental health of our industry.” – William Easton, MD, ANZ

“Our people are our priority so we proudly sign the Minimum Standards and plan to be a best practice industry leader.” –Michelle Hutton, CEO

“Adopting the Minimum Standards is a key part of our approach to mental health” –Thierry Lalchere, Head of HR

“Creating an environment where our people feel safe to have conversations about their mental health is fundamental to the culture of our business and our industry. Minimum Standards are an important and impactful first step in the right direction to achieve this.
Justin Graham, M&C Saatchi Group CEO
130+ signees and counting

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